Lifestyle by Legacy Terra

Lifestyle by Legacy Terra: Building a Sustainable and Fulfilling Life

In a world that’s constantly changing, it can be difficult to find a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives. That’s kind of where Legacy Terra comes in . We are a brand dedicated to helping individuals and families build a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle. At the core of Legacy Terra’s philosophy is the belief that a fulfilling life is one that is built on a foundation of sustainable practices. This means taking care of ourselves, our communities, and the planet in a way that ensures we can continue to thrive for generations and decades to come.

Our Story: Who is Behind Legacy Terra

Welcome to our Blog, Lifestyle by Legacy Terra. We are Sam and Lydia Legacy. We first started our travel blog Legacy Terra in 2022 because we wanted to share our travel tips with the world. Sam Legacy, the founder of Legacy Terra, owns a trucking company. In the early years of his company we lived on the road driving trucks around the USA. We saw so many amazing places and learned so much about travel in those years. We wanted to share our tips and stories with the world.

As that blog became more developed and our family started to grow (we welcomed our first daughter in may 2022), we have started to focus more on what we want for our families lifestyle and health. This section of our blog is meant to share more about our life philosophies and life lessons. 

We are still a travel blog. We have evolved to include food and lifestyle because our lifestyle is travel. Combined we have lived in over 40 cities in the USA and have been to several countries like Italy, Taiwan, El Salvador and more. Travel is a large part of our life, but so is business, family, food and drink, culture, and personal growth.

We believe in becoming better every single day. The hope of our blog is that everyone that reads our content becomes better. We believe that the Internet can be a powerful tool in everyones personal growth. However, the internet is full of a lot of nonsense. That is why we felt the need to start this section of our blog. We want to put good out into the world and inspire others to change their lives.

Lifestyle to us is broken down into these categories:

1. Life stories, Lessons, and Philosophies

We love to talk to people about their life stories, dreams and ideas. Sam loves to talk to those that have different ideas than him because we believe that conversation is how we all can grow. If we get the chance to talk to cool people we will share what we learned. In every post you will be able to learn all about what we believe, what we struggle to deal with, and what we want for our lives.

2. Home and Family Life

We have a young family. We are working everyday on growing our marriage and our relationships with our kids. Family does not always mean blood. In fact in our lives we have learned that family is those who you choose to be in your life. On this blog we hope you can become a part of our Legacy Terra family. We will share pro-family tips, tricks, and advice.

Our Story Continues, and So Does Yours

Our story is just beginning. We hope as the next year and years go on our site evolves with us. That is why we need you to keep us accountable. Tell us what you think about our ideas and what type of content would be helpful to you.

At the end of the day, lifestyle by Legacy Terra is about building a community of individuals that want to change an evolve into the best versions of themselves. We are not meant to come into this world and stay the same. We are all meant to live and to go through challenges and experiences that help us become better people.

We hope you feel welcome to our community of hardworking people that are ready to learn, share, and grow. We hope our content inspires you and tells you about who we are and who we want to be.

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